The Good News Text App has been relaunched and is NOW in the Apple App Store & the Android Play Store.
2 Corinthians 2:17 – Unlike so many, we do not peddle the word of God for profit. On the contrary, in Christ we speak before God with sincerity, as those sent from God.
Download Now, Its Free and will always remain Free, with no advertisements.
Search “Good News Text”or click for iPhone or click for Android
With over 20 categories, starting with the “Gospels/Home” category of random scripture & images all the way to “Sleep with the Word” category, containing the complete audiobook playlist of all the New & Old Testament books including Psalms, Proverbs and Ecclesiastes, all randomly loading, so you can sleep to a different message every night.
Each message, each scripture, each image is accompanied by the preceding & following scripture (many times by the whole chapter), both in text and audio, so that we can understand what context, what circumstance or in what terms the scripture is being presented to us.
We have categories of Video’s, Music, Early Church History including the lives of Great Saints, Great Sermons, Easter, Christmas, New Year, Gospels, Parables, Epistles and even Revelation.
We hope the App becomes a blessing to you, and you will want to rate it, and share it to all your friends, family and brothers & sisters in Christ.
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